Production viability of the vine âSyrahâ in summer and winter cycles in South Minas Gerais. / Viabilidade de ProduÃÃo da Videira Syrah em Ciclos de VerÃo e Inverno no Sul de Minas Gerais




High precipitation in summer harms the grapes maturation, affecting the quality of the red wines. Therefore, it will be of great advantage to harvest the grapefruits when the climatic conditions are more favorable to the maturation, during the dry season. The present work evaluated agronomic parameters in plants and physical-chemical characteristics in fruits of the grapevine âSyrahâ, when the plants were tested to two different cycles of production: one in spring/summer, from August to January; and another in autumn/winter, from January to July, during the years of 2005 and 2006. in vineyard without irrigation, located in the region South of Minas Gerais State. The parameters evaluated were: development and production cycles; sprouting percentage; bud fertility; fruit production; rot incidence; leaf surface; predawn leaf water potential; carbon assimilation rate; temperature of bunch microclimate; berry weight and diameter; total of soluble solids; titrable total acidity; pH; anthocyanins; and skins and seeds phenolic compounds. The cycle was around 24 days shorter in summer than in winter. The percentage of sprouting was higher in summer than in winter during the two years analysed, although the bud fertility and the fruit production were higher in the winter. The primary leaf surface in the plants was similar between both cycles and the rot incidence were light in the summer while in the winter it was absent. The predawn leaf water potential indicated that plant tested in summer as well as in winter were normal in water conditions. The assimilation rates showed no significant difference between the harvest epochs and their levels were considered normal for the grapevine crop. The difference between the bunch microclimate temperatures recorded during the day and the night was bigger in the winter cycle than in the summer cycle. Berry weights and diameter were smaller in the winter cycle for the two years analysed. The maturation indices also presented better resulted in the winter. The highest sugars contents, the smallest titrable acid, the highest concentrations of anthocyanins and skin phenolic compounds and the smallest concentrations of seeds phenolics were observed in the winter cycle, allowing us to conclude that for the weather conditions of South of Minas Gerais region, the harvest of the âSyrahâ in winter is possible. Besides that, we observed good indices of productivity and fruit maturation.


ciclo de produÃÃo production cycle fitotecnia vitis vinifera l. vitis vinifera l. maturaÃÃo maturation poda pruning phenolic compounds compostos fenÃlicos

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