Processo de inclusão de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais: um olhar pragmático




This study, which focused on the process of inclusion of students with special educational needs in the context of regular schools in Uberlândia, MG, aimed at investigating how this process is being perceived and handled by teachers who work in both state and private schools. The main objectives of the research were: 1) to analyze the politics of naming and predicating adopted by those teachers, in order to refer (and designate) to the students (with special educational needs), as well as to the teachers attitudes and practices during the referred process. Our analysis was developed based on the theoretical background of Pragmatics and the so called Critical Linguistics. The hypothesis underlying our study was that the process of inclusion of students with special educational needs in the context of regular schools is characterized by contradictions. In a general sense, results show that when schools (represented here by the teachers) try to implement the process of inclusion, they, in fact, seek to form homogeneous classes, and, in an attempt to handle the differences, they end up by adopting stances and attitudes of complacency, almost compassion. As a consequence, schools reinforce the essencialization of what they consider to be the norm(al), the natural, thus, excluding, in a veiled form, those who do not fit their parameters. It is our belief, thus, that the process of inclusion of students with special educational needs in the context of regular schools is not yet being accomplished because the way schools are dealing with the different result in a veiled form of exclusion.


política de representação alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais inclusão em educação naming/predicating performatividade identidade/diferença linguistica inclusion/exclusion politics of representation política de nomeação/predicação inclusão/exclusão pragmática performativity identity building

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