Princípios constitucionais e a delimitação da autonomia da vontade nas relações cíveis




The autonomy of will has been the target of criticism or exaltation throughout the history what is still today one of the most important and controverted principles. Its validity is incontestable for both the contract and the free initiative, but the risk of giving value to that principle without restrictions has already been dangerous and prejudicial. This work seeks the real and current situation of the mentioned principle and above all tries to match it with the constitutional rules in order to learn how they were decisive for the autonomy of will conjuncture and also to know the relation of these rules with the autonomy of will at present time. Furthermore, this work shows some situations to exemplify where the Constitutional Principles act straightly in the civil relations molding the autonomy of will.


direito direito civil-constitucional autonomia da vontade autonomia privada princípios constitucionais aplicação direta da constituição eficácia dos princípios constitucionais nas relações privadas civil and constitutional law autonomy of will private autonomy constitutional principles direct application of the constitution efficacy of the constitutional principles in the private relations

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