Primeiros passos na competência comunicativa numa nova língua (inglês) em contexto de escola regular




This study consists of a qualitative and interventional design of research in Applied Linguistics within the field of Foreign Languages Teaching and Learning. The subject is an investigation that aimed to evaluate the influence of a theme-based English course administered in the target language upon the development of communicative competence of senior high school students in a public school located in a city in the west of the state of Minas Gerais. The study also aimed to describe this experience and list signals that might reveal traces of communicative competence in the students performance during the intervention. The investigation arose from the fact that a large number of Brazilian students finish high school with poor communicative competence in English after having studied this language for an average of seven years. Several factors seem to contribute to this, such as the lack of pedagogical resources, the elevated number of students per class and the teachers education. In this scenario, the Brazilian Curricular Directives for Elementary Education were published in 1998, bringing in their scope the idea that only the reading skill could be efficiently taught in regular schools, thus imprinting the belief or ideology, still ongoing even among English teachers and Applied Linguistics researchers (cf. Oliveira, 2005), that the regular school is not an ideal place for the full development of communicative competence in a new language. Notwithstanding, the results obtained by this research, which utilized questionnaires, interviews, audio recording of lessons, field notes, teachers diaries, dialogue journals, as well as written statements, shows that theme-based English teaching performed in the target language may have positive influence on the development of communicative competence in regular high school students, since they manifested themselves receptive, engaged and favorable to the continuance of this proposal, besides showing, throughout the process, traces of communicative competence, signaling the possibility of its vigorous development by the continuation of this process.


língua inglesa competence formação de aprendizes de línguas high school teaching language learners education linguistica aplicada english language competência comunicativa ensino médio

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