Presença do pensamento utópico nos romances de Lima Barreto




This thesis aims to see how utopian thought has configured in Lima Barreto novels. The examined Novels were: Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha (1909), Triste fim de Policarpo Quaresma (1911 in serial and 1916 in book), Numa e a ninfa (1915 in serial and 1917 in book), Vida e morte de M. J. Gonzaga de Sá (1919), Clara dos Anjos (1948 – posthumous publication). It is assumed that the novelist had a posture of a revolutionary or utopian romanticism, according to the ideal types described by Michel Löwy, as evidenced in critical texts dissatisfaction with the current time, but it demonstrates hope in the society transformation. Lima Barreto, to make these changes, used the literature, because, for him, literature should not be only contemplative, but must also have a social function, with solidarity and human relations, having the role of improving the social intercourse among men. With an out of time attitude, away from the ideas that prevailed on art and literature, it was against the hegemonic discourse, demonstrating a vision beyond his time. As the philosophers, according to Nietzsche’s conception, represented the "misdeed awareness of his time." The study is relevant, since it enables reading on a critical sociological perspective, when searching in the structure of writer novels the utopic question. In addition, it was possible to review the criticism of his works, because that was broken down for many years, marginalized by literary scholars of that time who didn t realize the modernity and the richness of its texts. The methodology used is the exploratory search through bibliographical survey on the subject, deepen in theme. To understand how utopian thought is showed in Lima Barreto´s novels, first, a survey of theoretical issues about the concept of utopia was surveyed. Then the writer was contextualized in the Brazilian literary historiography and after that an investigating about how Lima Barreto’s utopian thought transpires in his texts. The analysis showed that utopian thought is present in the writer´s novels, when the humanity feeling is showed, revealing the injustices, discrimination of the underprivileged of society and the abuse of power of the bourgeois elite. It was proved that the utopian thought is present in the fight against the eugenista culture; in the matter of space, when discussing the exclusion of the underprivileged class of society; in the representation of de underprivileged social groups: negros, poor people, women; in the presence of protagonists who failed, but that had ideals of social transformation, as Isaías, Policarpo Quaresma, Gonzaga de Sá, Clara dos Anjos. It was verified that, through literature, Lima Barreto tried to transform the society so to be more fraternal, solidary and fair.


ficção brasileira - história e crítica brazilian fiction history and criticism

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