Por trás do discurso da excelência em educação... a escola para "desinteressados, imorais, agressivos": a organização de uma escola para alunos pobres no município de Jundiaí




The present research has been developed aiming to investigate and describe how the schooling process of students belonging to poorer layer of the society in the city of Jundiaí most of which living in the slums happens. An empirical study of the school used by this specific public and due to the schooling process of inclusion/exclusion found in it has been carried out. The guiding hypothesis is that the school trough the organization which guides its practice, can validate differences and consolidate the condition of exclusion of part of its public. The theorical reference used were the studies performed by Pierre Bourdieu, specifically those which refer to the concept of the economic, social and cultural heritage, social and economic habits and the production of schooling differences. The procedures used for the data collection ranged from an interview with the school principal to other interviews with two teachers and six students to understand how people from different groups get together in the school environment as well as the concept they have of their own practice and how they see other groups. The observation of the school are a was done too, in a total of twelve dayly contacts allowing the researcher to be in touch with the school organization practices, paying attention to control actions developed. A visit to the area where majority of the students live allowed the observation of their everyday characteristics. To get information about how the structure of the school historically originated by the time it became municipal, led to an interview with the Secretary of Education at the time. He was envolved in the process then. Also analysis of official documents of the time was done both at the school as well as the City Hall. The main findings show us a school organization permeated by a hierarchical structure of power distribution which allows part of its public to have a weak schooling inclusion and which eventually leads them to the condition of being kept apart


inclusao escolar exclusão escolar schooling exclusion organização organization escola educacao school escolas -- organizacao e administracao -- jundiai, sp

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