Policy shelter under the house in Bahia: Story of a difficult process. / Política de abrigamento - a casa abrigo na Bahia: história de um difícil processo.




The present study seeks to review the history and analyze one of the actions of the Program of Public Policy and Assistance to Prevent and Combat Violence Against Women in the State of Bahia, the Casa Abrigo for women in situations of violence, which has the objective of guaranteeing physical and/or emotional safety of women and their minor children whose lives are at risk due to having been victims of violence. It recognizes that this assistance should be temporary, fast and comprehensive, offering these women and their children medical, psychological and legal assistance. The focus is on violence as an historical phenomenom, socially constructed and, therefore, not a natural one. When directed at women, by rule, it assumes one of the most evil forms since it is almost always accepted, silenced, legitimized, institutionalized and naturalized. Its magnitude, just like the silence and the denial of this phenomenom, ignores inequalities and subordination that mark the lives of these women in ways that leave devastating consequences for their health, quality of life and full expression of their rights as citizens. This paper presents the Brazilian feminist movement in defining public health policy and services to combat violence against women, as well as how to confront it. This study used qualitative methodology and focus on gender relations between both sexes, in preparation for analysis of data collected through literature review, interviews with key people involved, directly or indirectly, with this policy, and focus group discussions with women who were former residents of Casa Abrigo, as subjects of this policy. The findings reveal an underutilization of Casa Abrigo in our reality, and the fragility of this process in the State of Bahia which is still lacking a statewide intervention, which would guarantee, in fact, the rights of women in situations of violence.


gender relations violence casa abrigo política de abrigamento relações de gênero violência violence against women public policy casa abrigo política pública violência contra a mulher shelter policy ciencias sociais aplicadas

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