Periodical consagration of José Veríssimo (1877-1884) / A Consagração periódica de José Veríssimo (1877-1884)




This dissertation entitled A consagração periódica de José Veríssimo (1877-1884) aims at discussing the social, political and cultural life of the writer José Veríssimo through his production between the years 1877 to 1884, in Belém do Pará. To support this objective, four chapters are contributed which focus on in his texts published in magazines and newspapers that show the theoretical and thematic evolution of the writer in his treatment of national issues. The main purpose of this dissertation is to show the importance of the press in the middle of the nineteenth century for the changes in his representation of Brazilian culture at that time.


veríssimo, josé, 1857-1916 - criticism and interpretation literatura brasileira - história e crítica josé veríssimo imprensa periódica paraense nineteenth century século xix letras paraense periodical press brazilian literature veríssimo, josé, 1857-1916 crítica e interpretação josé veríssimo

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