Performance metrics and sizing plan of Human Resources in the Network Operational Center / Indicadores de desempenho e dimensionamento de recursos humanos em um centro de operações de redes




This work aims to describe the measurement the operational indicators in services attending and support problems realized by Network Operation Center, as well as, to establish attendance metrics directed towards contract maintenance, as well as, recommending the use of the simulations in the Operational Plans of the Service Information Technology Providers. The use of the Theory of Lines, eTOM (enhanced Telecom Operations Map) and ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) assisted in the analysis of the behavior of Network Operation Center. Had been used a real data from a Network Operation Center of the Datacenter, that it pertaining to a Services Telecommunications Provider. However, it is observed that the Theory of Lines and the simulations need a maximum value of attendance to be applied to the historical data of an operational team. The simulation by this attendance parameter allowed us to map the capacity of the Datacenter team with eight analysts, within acceptable values to fulfill Service Level Agreements up to 92% precision to support problems, 85% to analyze alarm tickets and 89% of utilization in a services attendance. The others simulations had projected the behavior of the team with two new scenes: ten and twelve analysts. The use of the computational simulations can be analyzed and be compared the simulated real data and with attendance projections, making possible an operational planning adjusted the new based business-oriented modalities in convergent networks. The computer simulations using maximum parameter, allowed a analyzing of services types behavior and establishing an operational planning.


queuing theory telecomunicacoes gerenciamento de rede datacenter simulação management network gestão de tecnologia da informação e telecomunicações qualidade de serviços network operation center teoria das filas datacenter quality of services simulation

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