Resources, Learning and Performance: a study in franchise nets / RECURSOS, APRENDIZAGEM E DESEMPENHO: UM ESTUDO EM REDES DO TIPO FRANQUIA




The focus of the managerial strategy known as RBV (Resource-Based View) leads researchers to the search for the understanding of the resource called knowledge This work seeks to analyze the influence of the capacity of higher learning in the performance of franchise points. With the application of the research instrument based on the model of Nevis and Dibella (1999), and using statistical methods such as factor analysis and multiple regression, a positive relationship was found, between the capacity for higher learning and the performance of the franchise points. Also, in the analysis on the adherence potential of each component factor of learning capacity, the "system perspective" was shown with higher potential to explain the difference in performance between the franchise points analyzed. This work therefore contributes to the operation of RBV and the understanding of the competitive advantage generated by the network environment.


administração de empresas estrategia empresarial instrumento de pesquisa administracao franquia

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