Paulo Freire e a teologia da libertação: aproximações / Paulo Freire and liberation theology: some approches




Paulo Freire is a major Brazilian educator, and the scholars emphasize his pedagogical concerns. However being he an educator, it‟s possible to identify, on his writings, a significant impact of a theological terminology. Although Freire does not identifies himself as a theologian, he claims to be bewitched by theology. He considers that ones ideas results from self believes. So, according to him, there is no problem on being a believer expressing faith and hope, who fights on benefit of his own believes. On the other hand, he thinks religion as a possible obstruction to humanization, as a hindrance to human‟s vocation to self changes. Paulo Freire declares not been tempted to stop being or existing; for that reason he doesn‟t consider himself a complete colic. Freire asserts being an enthusiastic Christian, whose position he considers to be revolutionary, human and deliverer; so, an engaged and uthopic one. As a result, his pedagogy presents several theology influences, in spite of being himself an educator. From this perspective on, this research focus on the book The Pedagogy of the Oppressed Ones, The Pedagogy of Hope, under the hypothesis that it‟s possible to find out theological principles and elements on Paulo Freire pedagogy.


educadores brasileiros ciencias humanas paulo freire pedagogia brazilian educators theology pedagogy teologia paulo freire

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