Luta e perspectivas da Teologia da Libertação: o caso da comunidade São João Batista, Vila Rica, São Paulo - 1980-2000 / Fight and perspectives of the Theology of the Liberation: the case of the Community São João Baptist, Rich Village, São Paulo: 1980-2000.




This work is a historical study to the churchs base communities (CEB) Saint John Baptist of the quarter of Vila Rica, São Paulo, in period 1980-2000. The subject of the religion be an instrument of awareness be as of political alienation marked the history of the Catholic Church in Brazil, being studied by sociologists and historians. This fact makes possible the search of a new to look at a specific moment of this process; the transition of the end of the decade of 70, years 80 and 90 - known as the "crisis of paradigms" of the Theology of the Liberation (TL or TdL). Starting as a theological speech, in years 60 and 70, predictive strong and, on the necessity of making a revolution with socialist character, it transferred to a speech that comprises several other subjects to the class struggle and politics. They become questions of sort, ecological and spiritual, ethnic, orders, kind etc. From the concrete experiences of the CEB Saint John Baptist, which lived deeply the critical period of changes, inside the occurred process of continuities and/or ruptures in the Theology of the Liberation of São Paulo town Church.


theology of the liberation democratização comunidades eclesiais de base catholic church igreja católica church?s base communities social movements movimentos sociais teologia da libertação democratization

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