Participação publica e novas expertises : um estudo de caso na camara tecnica rural dos comites de bacias hidrograficas dos rios Piracicaba, Capivari e Jundiai / New expertises and public participation ; : a case study in the rural technical chamber of committees of the river basins of the rivers Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiai




The science and the technology are in the center of the world nowadays, which generates the crescent increase of the scientists participation on public decisions, especially on the resolution of controversies. These scientists increasing participation highlights two problems for the future of democracies. One of these problems would result in inequality of knowledge between experts and lay people, which are incompatible with the principle of equality in liberal democracies. Another problem takes place when the State gives special status to the view of experts, offending the principle of neutrality. If considered separately, these two problems could be solved in the path of politics: the inequality of knowledge or the supposed "public failure" to participate in decisions would be solved with education, while the issue of neutrality, or the supposed lack of democratic expertise could be solved through the councils of citizens in technology or management boards and committees with public participation. If considered together, however, the two problems bring up a more complex issue: if experts are the principle of public knowledge, and this knowledge should not be taken as superior to the opinion of the lay people, the public is the less competent than experts and is under the intellectual or cultural control of experts. To discuss these issues, a comprehensive analysis will be done, with use of ideal types of experts and expertise from the case study in the Rural Technical Chamber of federal and state committees of the river basins of the rivers Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí, which will focus three aspects: the preparation of a draft recovery calculations for the use of water in rural areas, disputes between the rural sector and sanitation for the definition of the forms of recovery and the allocation of funds raised and the proposals of the committees studied to disseminate scientific and educational aspects of water management. This study shows that the diversity allowed by the management committees promotes the formation of new forms of expertise such as hybrid expertise - between the interactional and contributory expertises, which has strengthened the democratic process. The analysis of the formation procedures of such expertise is the starting point for the development of two central arguments. The first is that the opposition made between science and policy, common in disputes of the committees studied, devalues one of the main advances of the new model of water management: the policy, technical and scientific diversity generates greater openness to political debate, fundamental the democratic process, not the depoliticization of the debate. The second argument comes from the notion that it is possible to establish, through negotiations, a minimum necessary of knowledge which enables the lay public to the engagement in discussion, enabling him, even while maintaining its characteristics of non-specialists, to participate in decisions policies for scientific affairs


science democracy democracia - aspectos sociais expertise - aspectos políticos expertise ciencia - aspectos sociais

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