Parametros de qualidade em proteses parciais removiveis e a respondabilidade civil




Since the your first conception until the actual days, numberless progress in technique of construction, in the alloy, in the diverse materiaIs utilization in the varied stages in the process of obtainrnent of the prosthesis, it obtained, but less to do for quantize the who reallya prosthesis parcial removable achieve returned for individual that the obtained. Understood that is apparatus not restore the overall of the masticatory force and besides of the others functions (phonetic and esthetics). When ifto see the nationalliterature available, more less or nothing to find oneself about comparison and/or methodology parameter able of evaluate the satisfaction of the individual that make use of prosthesis parcial removable. Understanding this situation, investigate in this study, examine starting united the odontologist of Piracicaba-SP city, the background about insert of prosthesis parcial removable, examine together the phase the all prosthesis parcial removable in the laboratory, which is the technical quality in the cast demonstration for dentists to construction of the prosthesis, then avaliable 200 prosthesis parcial removable abready insertion (where 100 insertion for surgeon dentist with private medical office and 100 insertion for undergraduate student of graduation of the fmal semester of the Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba) and analyse the nationalliterature and legislation appropriated about the civilliability of the all involved with the prosthesis parcial removable (surgeon dentist, laboratory, and the consumer individual these equipaments). After the effective statistics examine understood that the surgeons dentists of the Piracicaba-SP, city to show your precarious background indispensable to the establishment of good planning, construction, objectiving, a correct valuation of the insertion and preservetion of the prosthesis parcial removable, the cast to construction of the prosthesis parcial removable, to send the majority of the prosthesis laboratory that effective construction the prosthesis parcial removable, Piracicaba-SP city, arrived in your almost totality, without any indicium of the preparation of mouth (niche, guide plane, beside others), when examine it was send without the indication and or the planning at the same time. The prosthesis parcial removable examine, constructions for students of graduation of the Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba-UNICAMP and for private dentists, obtained scale acceptable, when examine your realization for students of graduations, evidencing aspects: voice and chewing. For the item esthetics, the result was similars. The individual porter of prosthesis parcial removable, in your majority are satisfied and indicated, the legislation and jurisprudence concerning to responsability for prestation of service objectiving to prosthesis parcial removable examine the surgen dentist as the unique responsability for diagnosis services, planning, execution in the oral cavity choice of the color dentaL color of the resin, of the type, form and size dentaL installation, evaluation and preservation. For mechanic dental technician and/or laboratory chief is designate just the responsability for service of casting polishing, setting up of teeth, polymerization and final finishing. For consumer individual of service to be contained carefull with handling, c1easing and c1earning, carefull with the diet and the systematic consultation in the surgeon dentist, according the prescription official of them, or some situation necessary. The civil responsability of surgeon dentist, examine of prosthesis parcial removable independent of the your c1assification (kennedy I, 11, 111 and IV class), to show as responsability of middle


erros medicos clinica odontologica - pesquisa protese dentaria

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