ParaÃba, mulher-macho: tessituras de gÃnero,(desa)fios da histÃria




This work aims to analyzing the discursive productions which historically enabled the emergence of the âParaÃba, macho womanâ image, during the twentieth century, as an identity for the State and the women who live in it. Though, taking into account the music ParaÃba, by Luiz Gonzaga and Humberto Teixeira, lauched in 1950, as a summary of such nomination, it is understood here that this music echoes meanings which were in movement, activating the memory of the 1930 revolution and its political and gender references. So, sources related to such contexts are mingled as well as their implications in more recent debates, especially the ones which from the 1980s (re)shape such an image in association with other icons, mainly with the teacher and writer Anayde Beiriz (1905-1930). In this research, the corporeities construction is questioned pointing out the devices which make up and regulate places for the male and female gender, also discussing the runaway guidelines outlined and experimented by transgressive subjectivities registered in knowledge and power borderlines. Therefore, this work is presented as a narrative discourse, in which constraints regarding history are part of the scenery, once it is a constituted locus and it is constituent of places and images of gender


body paraÃba - âmulher-machoâ identidade corpo paraÃba â âmacho womanâ gender historia identity gÃnero sexualidade sexuality

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