Paleontologia da Bacia do Araripe, nordeste do Brasil: histÃrico, evidÃncias marinhas e uma nova espÃcie de BivÃlvio




This study presents the evolution of paleontological knowledge and date evidence to date on marine paleoenvironments in the Araripe Basin, northeastern Brazil. It is also description and analysis of isotopes of C and O of a new species of bivalve mollusk as a contribution on knowledge of mollusk fauna and paleoenvironment of the Santana Formation (Early Cretaceous). In the first study aimed to reconstruct the history of the first 150 years of paleontological knowledge Araripe Basin and in which scenario the national geoscience culture occurred the various stages of development, through the analysis of publications that mention your paleobiota and historical accounts. The work following is carried a critical analysis out of the possible biota marine of Cretaceous deposits of the Araripe Basin reported in the literature. This aims to offer an integrated view of the occurrence of marine forms in the basin for future paleontology investigations. There are records of marine forms in only the Santana Formations (Crato and Romualdo member) with confirmation of some organisms as marine only in the latter member. However, more studies are necessary to clarify this question. Thus, in the latter work a taxonomic and geochemical study is carried out on a new species of bivalve Bakevelliddae from the upper strata of the Santana Formation (Romualdo member, Pseudoptera beurleni n.sp.). It inhabited shallow, well-oxygenated mixohaline environments and belongs to a predominantly tethyan genus. Since there are no significant occurrence in the South Atlantic, P. beurleni may have inhabited a shallow extension of the Tethys Sea. This is registered by deposits of carbonates of the same age in the Araripe Basin (Romualdo Formation) and Grajaà (Codà Formation)


paleoecologia isÃtopos estÃveis c e o geociencias marine environment paleoecology araripe basin histÃria da paleontologia paleontology history bacia do araripe c and o stable isotopes santana formation geociÃncias formaÃÃo santana ambiente marinho

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