Brasil e a ALCA: uma reflexÃo analÃtica dentro do contexto histÃrico â perspectivas e entraves




The general objective of this study is to propose a reflection concerning the negotiations of the block economic ALCA in a historical context, in the search of subsidies that it point for the perspectives and the shackles of the Brazilian insert in that market. As specific objectives search: to do a retrospective of the global process in general its presuppositions, its reality, its unfolding; to aim the process of Brazilian globalization, focusing the importance of Mercosul; to analyze and to discuss the coming of the ALCA, to propose a prospective vision of that market especially for Latina America and Brazil. Brazil existence crisis of existential nature, globally reflecting its inadequacy to the signs, codes and rhetoric of the dominant ideology and unchaining the search of a more up-to-date one and consentaneous institutional modeling. The study is justified, in the search of understanding the conflict among the sovereignty of the states â national and the commandments of the globalization, it wants for a glance, same slight, on the past, he/she wants to the light of some contemporary facts. We developed this study starting from the dialectic method. We took the dialectic in the conception of Hegel, that with its concern with the history, it turns it a practical description of the daily progress of the world. The process dialectic is, by nature own, a progress. To really know the history of the globalization in Brazil, it is necessary to study it in all its aspects, in whole its relationships and in whole its connections. With relationship to the design, it is a documental research; the researched material was the group of publications concerning the globalization, in the specific case of the ALCA and its relationships with Brazil. The publications were located in the libraries of the University, in the public libraries of the State, in the Internet, in statistical registrations, documents and in the means of mass communication. We want with the study to show that the historical knowledge: it is a perspective act, that is to say, it moves away of itself the past and he/she wants to understand it in its time and place, but not to assimilate it or to reduce it to the present; it is a single act, because individualized by two fundamental parameters the chronological and the geographical; for the material documentary of the History and for the approaches of historical option in the measure in that it tends to evidence a fact among the other ones, to underline it the importance and, therefore, its singular and only character; it is, still, selective and, to leave of those results, to show that the ALCA is just one of the possible sceneries of the dialogue of the globalization among Brazilians and North American whose extensive bilateral calendars embrace conflict of interests and convergent goals


brasil â alca â perspectivas â entraves brasil â alca â contexto histÃrico economia brasil â alca

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