Os credores, o estado e os interesses privados diante da empresa em recuperação judicial




This dissertation examines the diverse interests of the economic agents faced with the economical and financial crisis of the company, which include, among others, banks, suppliers, workers, the debtor, the community and the State. Specific elements of the Brazilian Law of Reorganization and Bankruptcy - Federal Law 11.101/2005 (LRE) are analyzed, verifying its adequacy to its primordial objective of reorganizing the viable company in crisis, as well as protecting the productive source of wealth that is beneficial to the society, without inflicting damage to the interest of creditors. It studies the intervention of the State in the economy, in the business and in reorganization. Some reflections are made on the relationship between the diverse private agents and the economy. The conflicts of interests of the company in difficulty are identified and some devices of the LRE are analyzed. The existence of efficiency and welfare improvements are analyzed LRE, from law and economics point of view. The method used is national bibliographical revision, with studies in comparative Canadian and American law. The dissertation consolidates the view that the Brazilian legal system has undergone major improvements. One must certify, however, that the legal judiciary requirements to reorganize the company and the maintenance of certain credit privileges still make it difficult for the majority of companies in distress to recover. The work also contributes to the controversy concerning the role of the State and Judiciary in the protection and the rescue of companies in difficulties. The thesis contributes in the interpretation of the LRE in the Brazilian legal system, concerning the diverse interests involved.


devedores e credores depressions debtor and creditor direito - dissertações empresas - finanças crise econômica business enterprises direito law sociedades comerciais - recuperação corporate turnarounds

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