Os bruxos do século XX : neopaganismo e invenção de tradições na Inglaterra do pós-guerra




This work focuses on the birth of a new religion: the contemporary neopagan witchcraft, or Wicca, centered on the work of the retired servant of the British Empire, Gerald Brosseau Gardner, in the middle 20th Century. Based on beliefs and ideas strongly spread since the end of the last century, but restricted to a specific portion of the british society among which are included the anthropological theories of Sir James Frazer and Margaret Murray just a few years after its publishing, Gardners doctrine has reached an immense popularity, being ranked, today, between the greater religions of the world in number of adherents. In addition, it caused the resignification of not only the neopagan movement, which nationalist or literarily pattern is abandoned by means of the religious character, but also of the figure of the witch itself. What we tried to trace, this way, were not only the origins and influences that results in the Gardners synthesis, but also the social factors that granted its rising and its fast spreading, among which are included the need of power retrieving in a war-devastated England that has lost his hegemonic position in the world background, asides the creation of a counter-cultural identity in a fast transforming world.


contemporâneas contemporary religions neopaganism religiões witchcraft bruxaria historia neopaganismo

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