Papeis militares no pos-guerra fria : a perspectiva do exercito brasileiro




The theme of this dissertation is the definition of missions or roles for the Brazilian Anned Forces, specially the Anny, in the post-Cold War period. During the Cold War, the role of the military in BraziL was to stop "the communist menace", following the guidelines ofthe United States, head of the capitalist bloc in the ideological confrontation. The fight against this internal enemyencouraged their political involvement, even leading the military to take over the government. After the authoritarian rule was over, and mainly, with the end ofthe bipolar system ofthe Cold War, a new political-strategic scenario was brought about in the world. ln this scenario, the hypothesis of a new world war as it was fonnerly predicted was no longer valid, neither was there a hypothesis of a regional conflict directly involving Brazil. New threats, such as trafficking in drugs, organized crime, uncontrolled immigration and environmental degradation call the attention of core states to the periphery of the system. Policy-makers suggest guidelines to the use of the anned forces in the then called "Third World", among which the reduction of personnel and investments and the assignment of a police role to the anned forces, of fighting drug traffic and urban riots. Parallel to this, the military also face a gradual erosion of the power they had within the government and the state. This crisis affects the Anned Forces as an institution, now in search of a new place in a democratic environment. This study searched to grasp the dimension of the adaptation of the military, specially the anny personnel, to the new reality of the above mentioned period, assuming that the military found alternative ways of defending their interests to meet the challenges that are set


exercito army brazil armed forces military militares

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