Orality in O Dia dos Prodígios, by Lídia Jorge / A oralidade em O Dia dos Prodígios, de Lídia Jorge




In this thesis, a study about the orality existent in O Dia dos Prodígios, written by the Portuguese author Lídia Jorge is presented, in which is possible to identify allusions to Revolução dos Cravos (name given to Portuguese freedom revolution) when considers the strangeness of the phenomenon that occurred with the inhabitants of the village known as Vilamaninhos whose main feature is the use of oral language as unique form of linguistic expression among its members. The Vilamaninhos micro cosmos is composed by illiterate, with almost totally writing lack human beings. The barriers imposed by the communication difficulty cause the isolation of the village in relation with the developed urban centers, remaining to the population of the village, only to share the archaic life condition. The purpose of this study is to identify, beginning with the theoretical contribution of conversation analysis, the strategies employed by the author in the representation of orality in her narrative. It is understood that O Dia dos Prodígios presents speech features not only in the dialogue explanation among the characters, but also in the whole written work. Orality is represented, besides being by words, also by graphical resources of text structuring, generating on the reader, the feeling of listening and seeing the characters interacting through narration. Identifying the orality elements present on the narration allows, as in real conversation circumstances, under ideological perspective, to know the individuals inserted on that process, by means of what they say, explain, and even, by what they dissimulate. The individual is the key, the starting point to know the social group to whom he belongs. By analyzing the conversation in O Dia dos Prodígios there are signs about society and its conflictive relations. The social roles are expressed by orality, at the same time that, on the other hand, the competence of the individual of expressing himself using speech is an important factor to establish his role towards his social group. The language used by Lídia Jorge when characterizing her works characters represents orality without being caricatured and depreciative. Orality in O Dia dos Prodígios is a device with which one wants to ponder about language, interaction, human and social development.


fala; identidade; interação; o dia dos prodígios; representação da oralidade identity; interaction; o dia dos prodígios; representation of orality; speech

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