Oiii geeenteee o santo no ar: a propagação da devoção ao Santo Expedito por intermédio do Programa de Rádio Eli Correa




The purpose of this study is to look into the strength and the scope of the radio as means of propagation of popular culture. The case study at hand was limited to Eli Correa `s radio show and to Saint Expedito `s worship. The time frame in question covers the eighties and the nineties, when the saint `s devotion reached popular devotion status. The major focus of the investigation is to determine whether the broadcaster Eli Correa was instrumental to the popularization of the saint. The methodology adopted consists of interviews with the devotees as well as Saint Expedito `s former church priest, Father João Benedicto Villano`s testimony about the growing phenomenon when Eli Correa`s show started to broadcast the saint`s deeds. Anthropological and sociological discussions on popular religiousness permeate this study. It becomes clear to us how the broadcaster and the listeners, unconsciously, build up this devotion off the holy ground . We also draw attention to the fact that a third century`s saint, from military origins, has had a perfect adaptation to the modern days`large urban centers and mass comunication means. This adaptation is the symbol of Saint Expedito`s devotion


expedito, santo eli correa (programa de radio) saint expedito santo expedito villano, joao benedicto -- entrevista ciencias humanas devoção popular correa, eli -- 1952- -- entrevista

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