No ar: TV BRASIL Canal Integración




TV Brasil Canal Integración is the international public television of the Brazilian State. Its mission is to serve as an agent to foster the integration of South America. Along with Telesur, a multinational television network headed by Venezuela, TV Brasil was born of the need of South American countries for integration, in order to fortify their regional development process. The objective is to make the region more competitive in the international market, following a development paradigm that is both environmentally and socially sustainable. The role of TV Brasil is to ease, through integration, the social transformation necessary for this development. The company is immersed in a regional television market that is controlled by a few large media conglomerates, and that shows a strong presence of foreign productions, especially those from the USA, in the programming of the main TV networks of South America. Within this context, the feasibility of the TV Brasil project is directly related to its capacity to strengthen three determining aspects: maintenance, credibility, and interest. In order to meet these needs, seven directions have been pointed out: autonomy; search for diversity; innovation; search for the audience; location; management proactivity; and citizen-focused service.


ciência e tecnologia politica e gestão de ciência e tecnologia comunicacao televisão pública integração regional comunicação para o desenvolvimento

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