O uso de material concreto com representaÃÃes retangulares na construÃÃo do conceito de decomposiÃÃo multiplicativa




This study aims to investigate the effects of using of manipulatives that explore rectangular representations of multiplication to appropriate the concept of multiplicative decomposition of natural numbers by 5th grade students of elementary school. The use of manipulatives was investigated on the basis of the theory of didactic situations, developed by Guy Brousseau. A didactic sequence was elaborated with didactic situations according the categories proposed by Brousseau: actions, formalization, validation and institutionalization. This study used some principles of Didactic Engineering, composed of: constructions and theoretical analysis of the sequence of activities use the manipulatives and a posteriori analysis. This research methods used here aimed to allow an internal analysis of the sequence in order to understand the role played by the material in students knowledge construction. The didactic sequence was experienced with a class of 15 students of in a state school of the city of Recife. The data revealed that this use of manipulatives allowed students to generate the notion of multiplicative decomposition with two factors by the use of composition of rectangles. This material, within the didactical sequence, was also important to students build the notion that to find out all decomposition of a number, it is enough to try up to you find a rectangle congruous to any of those already built; in a mathematical meaning, it is enough to find multiplicative decompositions up to the square root of the number. The construction of the square numbers notion was built from the numbers that allowed square to be built. The analysis showed also that others didactic resources or methodology were necessary to allow students to overcome some barriers raised when decomposing numbers with big order and odd numbers


materiais concretos educacao didactic situations didactic sequence decomposiÃÃo multiplicativa situaÃÃes didÃticas manipulatives multiplicative decomposition seqÃÃncia didÃtica

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