O trabalho pedagÃgico do professor de alunos com transtorno do deficit de atenÃÃo/hiperatividade: propostas de intervenÃÃo em trÃs escolas da Rede PÃblica Municipal de Fortaleza / The educational work of the teacher of students with attention deficit disorder / hyperactivity disorder: proposals for action in three Municipal Public Schools in Fortaleza


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This investigative study assessed the pedagogical work of teachers of students with Attention Deficit Disorder / Hyperactivity, in order to build collaborative proposals for intervention in the classroom. First, the teachers prior knowledge and training necessary to work with this disorder were investigated; the interventive activities with these students; teaching strategies and behavior developed by teachers in the classroom; it was given a deeper theoretical support to teachers concerning the disorder in the areas of training and proposals for intervention in behavior management and educational work were elaborated. In childhood, the disorder is considered one of the most common in school age, since it affects 3% to 6% of the student population. This disorder is basically a problem of inhibition and self-regulatory inattention, impulsivity, excessive motor activity, in degrees that are inadequate to the stage of development of the individual form the symptomatic triad of this disorder. Such characteristics affect the school performance of the student who achieves results below his/her abilities in the course of his academic career. To maximize the chances of success at school for this apprentice requires a variety of behavioral and learning strategies. Accordingly, we carried out a qualitative study through collaborative research with six subjects - three teachers of specialized schooling and three in the regular classroom - in three public schools in the City of Fortaleza. At first, it was intended to investigate the cognitive and behavioral strategies developed in the classroom. We applied an initial questionnaire with collaborators, followed by remarks collaborative classroom and reflection sessions (rounds of conversation). The results indicated a conceptual surface over the issue and, therefore, the teaching practice was inappropriate to the specific learning of students with this disorder. The teachers developed cognitive and behavioral strategies empirically, based on trials and errors, without a consistent theoretical support. Based on the data collected the researcher developed an action plan jointly with the collaborators to meet the specific needs of the students investigated.


avaliacao da aprendizagem crianÃas com distÃrbio do dÃficit de atenÃÃo - educaÃÃo - fortaleza(ce) distÃrbio do dÃficit de atenÃÃo com hiperatividade - fortaleza(ce) crianÃas hiperativas - educaÃÃo - fortaleza(ce) professores de educaÃÃo especial - formaÃÃo - fortaleza(ce) ambiente de sala de aula - fortaleza(ce) prÃtica de ensino

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