O recurso especial e a possibilidade de reexame das questões de fato pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça




In principle, it is not given to the Superior Court of Justice the right of reviewing fact issues, but only law issues. However, there are cases, especially when considering the growing existence of the undetermined law concepts, in which it is possible to this Superior Court to redo the whole process of subjecting the fact to the rule, or the rule to the fact, in order to come to the best and most consolidated legal construction when regarding matters related to ordinary laws. The adequate parameters to the analysis of this subject embrace the study of the history of the special appeal; its various requirements of acceptability, especially in what takes to preliminary allegations; and, at last, what must be known as fact issues and law issues


fact issues questão de direito special appeal law issues brasil -- superior tribunal de justica sumula vinculante requirements of acceptability requisitos de admissibilidade direito questão de fato superior court of justice recurso especial -- brasil direito e fato prequestionamento preliminary allegations

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