O programa bolsa família e a condicionalidade educação : o caso de alunos matriculados na rede municipal de ensino de Boa Vista (RR)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This paper aims to analyze the actions of the Bolsa Familia Program in Boa Vista, Roraima State, its relationship with the academic performance of elementary school students from public municipal schools that have failed in learning of the academic year 2010. The analysis reveals that the BFP, in Boa Vista, is effective in the transfer of income with respect to the goal of ensuring the human right to adequate food, promoting nutrition and food security of the family, but with respect to education compliance, it is observed that among the students who failed the majority belongs to families served by the program. With regard to supplementary programs, whose objective is to minimize poverty in the hope that the new family situation allows its members to gain skills to become independent, it appears that the actions taken are insufficient to meet demand exists, this reinforces the idea that only the conditionality of school attendance for children and young student does¿t generate changes in short time at the family s socioeconomic situation.


bolsa familia program políticas públicas programa bolsa família. boa vista (rr) distribuição da renda inequality poverty pobreza economia da educação education ensino público rendimento escolar

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