O processo terapêutico fonoaudiológico junto ao paciente que apresenta o hábito de sucção digital na clínica da motricidade oral: a importância da história de vida / The therapeutic process in the speech therapy of a patient who is used to singer suction: the importance of life history




This study had the aim to investigate the importance, on the speech therapy, of the comprehension of lifes story from patients that present the finger suction. Therefore, was used the clinic-qualitativy methodology, with the presentation of fragments of the therapeutic process from an eleven years old patient who abode with this habit for a long time, cutting off during the treatment. This analysis of this empiric material reflected the change of clinic attitude from the therapist, who abstained from focus only on specific procedures and started to valorize topics brought from patient on the therapeutic context, trying to heed their suffering and allowing the manifestation of its subjectivity. The conclusion of this study allows the area of speech therapy and also the whole team-work involved, consider the peculiarity of the patients in the constitution of a new work field, understood, as unique, distinct and individual


motricidade oral sucking digital habito oral deleterio história de vida succao digital lifes story fonoaudiologia miology oral

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