O processo de construção das parcerias entre as instituições de ensino superior e a sociedade e as implicações delas na prática docente




This work deals with the changes and adaptations through which the contemporary reality undergoes, producing phenomenon that portray a complex scenario to society. In general, the work interprets the relationship between educational organizations with the medium they are in, highlighting the changes these new approaches have brought to old paradigms and practices, on the basis of Morin, Capra, Behrens, Schön, Sermann e other authors who deal with the complexity. Its focus is on the effects and pertinent processes related to cooperative or partnership covenants established between Higher Education Institutions and the society in which these institutions are located, it has Kanter, Souza, Oak, Luck and Noleto as theoretical supports. These covenants carry in their essence the pragmatics of the World Declaration on Higher Education in the XXI Century: Vision and Action, Paris, October 9, 1998, which guides to a holistic formation of the individual. The survey finds out that the Higher Education Institutions scope go far beyond the mere spread of the classic theoretical knowledge. Therefore, the teaching-learning process should be reconsidered beginning at the professors formation. This is a complex process involving subjects, problems and new institutional spaces, broadening the traditional limits of the academy. In other words, the Higher Education Institutions must review their action, lato sensu , adopting a systemic reflexive method to put in effect its mission. Consonant with, the research deals with the praxis of the Higher Education Institutions in relation to other social roles, taking into consideration internal and external contextual factors related to the cooperative covenants. It characterizes the Higher Education Institutions as components of a greater and complex social system. The research also analyses what the outcomes and reflections from the cooperative or partnership covenants bring or may bring to the academic universe, in particular to the teaching body, as they guide Nóvoa, Perrenoud and Schön. An Institution on Higher Education was used as bibliographic resource and campus survey, in which a squared case study was applied. On the first phase the characteristics of context-qualitative approach and on the second phase descriptive-quantitative approach. To gather the data, semi-structured questionnaires were answered by components chosen at the Institution on Higher Education object of this study. It was possible to interpret the interaction process of the Institution on Higher Education with its medium, as well as the expected and perceived effects derived from these interactions among the analyzed results of the survey. In synthesis, it was possible to notice that the processes of covenant formation at the Institutions on Higher Education are getting more professional while their reflexes within the teaching body are still tenuous. In conclusion, there is a set of information which permit a reflection on the relational models adopted at the Institutions on Higher Education and the complexity these interactions demand which may serve as subsidy for future studies, decisions, and actions.


educacao cooperação universitária universidades e faculdades - administração professores - formação prática de ensino

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