O papel das Escolas Superiores de Agricultura na institucionalização das ciencias agricolas no Brasil, 1930-1950 : praticas academicas, curriculos e formação profissional / Institutionalization of agricultural science in Brazil, 1930-1950, the contribution of agricultural schools through their academical practices, curricular structure and professional profiles




The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to comprehend the contributions of agricultural schools in the institutionalization of agricultural sciences between 1930 e 1950. Four schools were focused in this study - the Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz , Escola Nacional de Agronomia, Escola Superior de Agricultura do Estado de Minas Gerais em Viçosa and Escola de Agricultura da Bahia. To understand this process I turned my attention on how each school has constructed a meaning and has practiced scientifics activities. I have either observed how those meanings and practices were related to the local context and to the demands originated from the process of federal recognition that began in 1934. The main assumption of this research is that two political projects for the Brazilian agriculture were based on two scientific traditions, distinguishing two kinds of professionals, specializations and resulting on a center and a periphery in the area. At the end of this doctoral thesis it was possible to construct a profile for each school and for the agricultural sciences in the focused period


agricultura - estudo e ensino agricultura - historia - brasil science history escolas agricolas ciencia - historia agriculture history brazil agricultural schools agriculture study and teaching

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