O lugar do corpo no trabalho do docente de ensino superior




The body is an instrument of social contact and constituent of subjectivity. Moreover, it is also an important element in the relation of the individual with the world and the knowledge. This paper describes how the university educator invests corporally in the teaching activity and in their relation to the strudents. The theoratical foundation comprises the Wallonian psychological conception oriented to the body and its developement, with an outline of the approach to the body in psychoanalysis, based on the Freudian theories. The aim of the research was to investigate the repercussions of the teaching practice on the body of university teachers. The methodological tool applied was the semi-structured interview with six university teachers of two higher education institutions of the Federal Disctric, of which one is public and the other is private. The participants are teachers of graduate pedagogy courses, 4 (four) of which are female and 2 (two) male, with ages between 35 to 45 years. It was identified in this "research" that the body in classroom is considered an important factor of identity and communication. The professors that pay more attention to the corporal language of the pupils, are able to identify in their bodies the impact of the teaching work and they are more are opened for the valuation of the corporal movement in classroom. In this corporal relation with the pupil, the emotions have a preponderant role since it makes it possible to the pupil as to the professor to express their desires and its wills. When emotions like anger, anguish, discourage become a constant in the relation with the pupil and in the relation with the work, the professor may start suffering and having the desire to abandon teaching. The talking with the interviewed ones contributed for the understanding of the way how the suffering is present in the teaching action. In some situations, the price for a solitary investment in the work is reflected in the body as fatigue, back aches, the syndrome of the repetitive strain, the vocal damage and the muscular fatigue, all of them factors that cause suffering to the professor and that can compromise or interrupt its professional career. On the other hand, it was possible to observe that the professors also are impacted corporally in a pleasant and satisfactory way when achieving the proposed goals in their classes or when perceiving that the transmitted knowledge had been absorbed by the pupil. To perceive the body in classroom, face reactions, expressions, postures and gesture is considered important, significant to the professors in the teaching work since the way the body of the professor moves in the classroom expresses its intentions, therefore the body is full of meanings


expressão corporal percepção universidades e faculdades corpo docente relação professor aluno educacao corporal perception teaching practice relationship between teacher and student

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