O governo de Accacio no exílio de Heitor: as correspondências de Washington Luís e seus correligionários acerca do governo Vargas e dos direitos políticos e civis (1930-1947) / Accacios government in Heitors exile: the correspondences of Washington Luís and his associates about Vargasgovernment and the political and civil rights (1930-1947)




Getulio Vargasgovernment brought out peculiar characteristics to the function of the State. Nowadays, this period called Vargas Era (1930-1945) exerts enormous influence on the current Brazilian State. Our interest is to study how this Vargas State was structured under the Paulista oppositions eye and distant from the ex-president Washington Luis. This paper has as its aims: interpret the political relationships in history from ex-president Washington Luiss point of view; analyze the relationship between the Vargas State and the Perrepista opposition and the guarantee of human rights, especially, civil and political ones; understand if this ex-president, a paulista from Macaé, took part in organizing oppositional movements during his exile and discuss the collective memory of Washington Luis, based on documents and on the political actions of his coreligionists. Getulio Vargass political clashes, maneuvers and skills were responsible for most of the content presented on such letters, which were especially selected to be used on this paper. The analysis of the mail between Washington Luis and his coreligionists was carried out by comparing the historiography of the period and some newspapers written by the press from São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, mainly, OESP and Folha da Manhã. The introduction explains how this paper was thought and organized, describing a brief timeline of the human rights in Brazil and theorizing the role of a historian while using mail as historical sources. The first chapter works on the biography of one of these characters and describes the last months in which Washington Luis held office, besides the articulations of the liberal alliance to mount the 1930 coup détat. The Second chapter deals with the situation of the exiled, approaching this theme and portraying ex-president Washington Luis as an involuntary exiled, besides the intervention and the widespread occurrences of the Paulista Movement of 1932. The third chapter analyzes the formation of the Constituent Assembly, the political relationships between the chamber of deputies and the coreligionist Roberto Moreira, in addition to the conflicts between the National Liberty Alliance and the Integralists. As the political coercion became more intense due to the unsuccessful coup planned by communists such as Luis Carlos Prestes, the country started to go through an even harder period for human rights, above all, to civil and political ones. With the promulgation of the new constitution in 1937, the New State was established and strict censorship would become, at that time, official and institutionalized as the State policy. Actually, the end of oppositions and the imminence of the World War indicated that Brazil would have to take a side. The ex- president Washington Luis waited for the end of the World War in 1945 to return to Brazil, but that would only take place in 1947.The fourth chapter studies the absent memory of Washington Luis to make sure we could analyze his history as an exiled and his political legacy as well. He had been away from his country for seventeen years, living fairly well, though expatriated and impelled to use his citizen rights. While analyzing documents with the previously set aims, its noticeable that Washington Luiss role as opposition was as a mere news receiver, making projections and conjectures only based on the content of his mail. These documents fulfilled the need to identify, from another point view, characteristics of the backstage of political relationships in the federal capital and the Paulista opposition, mainly concerning the disrespect for human rights and the lacerating enticement for populism.


revolution revolução coup d état human rights golpe de estado estado direitos humanos state exile exílio

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