O financiamento da "escola guaicuru: vivendo uma nova lição" para o ensino Médio


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work inserts itself in the Line of History, Politics and Education Research in the Graduate Education Program at Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS). Its object of study is the funding of high school education in the period of 1999 to 2006, when the state of Mato Grosso do Sul was ruled for two consecutive terms under the hegemony of the political party Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT). The aim was to understand the funding for maintenance and development of education (MDE)in high school education, the last stage of Brazilian basic education. It is highlighted that the program that guided the state in educational policy in the period considered here, was called "School Guaicuru: living a new lesson." The present study used as sources the legislation at national and state levels, documents produced by the State Department of Education, documents of the agreement of the Ministry of Education and Culture with the World Bank which has framed the "Program Expansion and Improvement of Secondary Education (PROMED / Young School), as well as the general balance of government accounts produced by the State Department of Revenue and Control, technical opinions issued by the State Court of Auditors (ECA) and the literature relevant to the topic. It was found that the period was marked - in the context of funding for maintenance and development of education by the deployment of the Fund for Maintenance and Development of Fundamental Education and Valorization of Teachers (FUNDEF), whose priority in this regard was given to primary education. Considering this, to meet the growing demands from high school, a decision in the sphere of education policy, has operated with limited resources. So, although Mato Grosso do Sul had proposed to implement a counterhegemonic education policy in this period, it failed to reverse the historical exclusion rates in this stage of basic education in Brazil. Besides the shortage of resources to fund high school, there was also evidence that the state did not apply, in this period, the minimum income tax per year to finance maintenance and development of education, as determined by the Federal Constitution. Regardless of this, both the Court of the State and the State Legislative Assembly gradually approved the accounts presented by the State Executive Branch.


escola guaicuru ensino médio educacao financing high school school guaicuru financiamento

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