O ensino dos conteúdos atitudinais na formação inicial do enfermeiro / The teaching of attitudinal contents on nursing graduation




The nursing graduation most important focus still remais on the capacity of retaining information that arises on a daily basis, specialy when it comes to its technical and procedural ones. To promote the formation of a critical and reflective professional, it is demanding that contents of attitudinal and relational nature are also developed. The general objective of this study is investigating the attitudinal contents taught by professors at a nurse graduation course at a public institution. It is an exploratory, descriptive and qualitative research held at Escola de Enfermagem da USP (EEUSP) - Nursing School of the University of São Paulo, whith professors involved in teaching undergraduate nursing and participating in the Pedagogical Support Group (GAP - Grupo de Apoio Pedagógico).The data has been collected through semi-structured interview using a script composed by a part of general characterization and other with issues related to the teaching of these contents.The data has been annalized using Bardins content analisys. The nine professors who participated in this research indicated that the attidudinal contents are understood as values, behaviors and attitudes, but they are very difficult to be identified in the disciplines programs because they are diluted in the factual and procedural contents. Their value is also not very well recognized on graduation teaching. The attitudinal contents are brought to light by the professorsindividual initiative and different strategies are used in the classroom or in the fieldwork. In the teaching process the professors identified the possibilities and limitations related to the institution, the professors and the students. The major dificulty is the evaluation of the attitudinal contents and there is also the need of instruments capable to lead the professorsevaluation to them. Considering that EEUSP is the reference on nursing graduation in Brazil and the addressed issue is still poorly investigated, and because of its importance and complexity, it is necessary to develop new research on this topic


teaching practice conhecimentos atitudes health knowledge nursing bacharelato em enfermagem education prática em saúde baccalaureate ensino attitudes

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