O ensino de leitura em língua inglesa em uma escola pública de Fortaleza: das orientações curriculares à prática docente no ensino médio / The teaching of reading in English in a public school in Fortaleza: curriculum guidelines for teaching practice in school


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Many researchers emphasize the importance of teaching reading to English learners in public schools (CARRELL, 1988; MOITA LOPES, 1996; KLEIMAN, 2004a). Some factors such as high number of students, school context, and students goals after finishing high school as well as inadequate number of instruction hours highly influence this emphasis. It was in this context, that this work researched how the process of teaching reading in a foreign language (English) is structured at high-school level in a public school in the city of Fortaleza. This process has its start point at the official curriculum guidelines until the teaching practices. Through a qualitative survey and characteristics of ethnographic research, we surveyed the official guidelines present in the documents (LDB, PCNs, OCNs and Schools Curriculum Documents) that are the foundation of the teaching practices in reading in a foreign language. The procedures used were the analysis of the official curriculum guidelines, the observation of classes and a semi structured interview conducted with the main participant of the study: the teacher whose class was being observed. The aforementioned documents were analyzed using Document Analysis with the aid of Content Analysis to verify the guidelines concerning the teaching of reading in a foreign language. As far as the teaching practice was concerned, we applied the non-participant observation technique to the reading classes in English language, registering the observation in written accounts. In addition, a semi structured interview was conducted with the main participant of the study: the teacher. The outcomes of the analyzed official documents presented Education grounded on social practices, focusing on the teaching of critical reading which is highlighted as the most important skill to be learned. Referring once again to the teaching practices, one of the relevant outcomes reached to be highlighted is the reduced number of hours devoted to the teaching of reading, despite the instruction provided by the teachers guide of the new book used. The reading instruction was merely reduced to the translation of the texts applied in the classroom, in spite of the totally different guidelines offered by the official curriculum documents. The outcomes show that the teaching practices concerning reading in a foreign language do not favor the official curriculum guidelines, since they entail a traditional view of teaching reading in a foreign language, focusing on the translation of the texts. This view is not compatible with the sociointeractionist view of teaching which prepares the student to act before different situations in the society s/he is engaged. Keywords: Public


linguistica aplicada escola pública diretrizes curriculares leitura em língua inglesa public school curriculum guidelines english language reading

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