Learning evalution in a high school concerning the official speech and the teaching practice (study case made in a state public school) / Avaliação da Aprendizagem no Ensino Médio: do discurso oficial à prática docente (estudo de caso numa escola pública estadual).




The present study had as general goal analyze the outcome of the official proposals related to the teaching practices on the learning process evaluation encompassing the basic procedures of State Schools, which were set up in the years 2000 and 2004 by the Basic Education Bureau of Ceará SEDUC. Its aim was to identify the concepts of learning acquisition which support the teaching practice; identify whether or not the teachers are aware of the theoretical evaluation proposals set up by SEDUC; identify the teachers reactions to these proposals and, observe whether or not the means and procedures of evaluation followed by the teachers correspond to the ones set up by SEDUC. A lot of studies have been developed on this subject, where there is a rich theoretical development of research and studies. However, what call our attention is the division between the output and the classroom practice. If the theoretical research has been developed, being the support for the creation of new evaluation proposals for public schools set up by SEDUC, why does its practice keep repeating myths and ideas which have already been considered old-fashioned or theoretically contested? People believe that the assessment evaluation encompasses more than a technical discussion. It demands a political discussion about the educational goals, since the evaluation is a powerful tool not only in the reorganization of the Brazilian Education, but also as a tool for the enhancement of the learner and the teacher, integrated in the teaching-learning process. A qualitative-quantitative research was developed, as a case-study having 13 subjects as participants (9 teachers of secondary schools and 2 supervisors from E.E.F.M. João Mattos, a technician from SEDUC and a technician from CREDE de Fortaleza) during the year of 2005. The aim was to collect their ideas about the outcome of these proposals among teachers. First, they answered some questionnaires followed by semi-structured interviews with all subjects. The results show that there is still a tendency of reducing the evaluation procedures and also the tendency of being resistant to the evaluation proposal of 2000 and the acceptance of the2004s proposal. The results also show that changes related to the assessment evaluation field should be qualified not only in relation to the making of these transformations but also in relation to material conditions in order to avoid the failure of only focusing on the immediate, pragmatic and, out of context technical improvement. Thus, the way to overcome the resistance to the construction of new evaluative practices, which should be implemented in our everyday school system, should take into consideration not only the teachers as subjects of creation, seen as mere doers, building spaces for their improvement, but allowing the theoretical-practical dialogue to give a new meaning to the evaluation practice; but also guarantee adequate work atmosphere making teachers able to develop in a democratic and conscious way the actions which may shed light on the improvement of the teaching-learning process as a result of an evaluative and instructive process practice.


aprendizagem professores do ensino médio - formação - fortaleza(ce) teaching learning evaluation seducs proposals ensino médio - avaliação - fortaleza(ce) - estudo de casos avaliacao da aprendizagem avaliação da aprendizagem teaching propostas da seduc prática docente

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