O discurso constitucional da dignidade da pessoa humana: uma proposta de concretização do direito justo no pós-positivismo brasileiro




With an overrun of positivism, appears a methodological paradigm more compatible with the functioning of legal systems,reaffirming the privileged ties between the right and social morality. In this context, even before his legal recognition in the international declarations of law and the constitutions of various countries, the dignity of the human person is a value, which springs from the historical experience and culture of each human society. The principle of human dignity is the recognition and protection of an area of the physical and moral integrity of every human being, which should be ensured by its existence in the world, linking up with both the maintenance of the material conditions of subsistence, as with the preservation of the spiritual values of the individual. The constitutional discourse of human dignity inaugurates a new stage of development of brazilian legal science, since it allows the realization of a concrete justice, with overcoming the traditional positions of natural rights and legal positivism, reconciling the demands of legality and legitimacy of democratic state. The dignity of the human person becomes the center of a constitutional system based on the idea of justice, giving reasons and legitimizing a new meaning for the law with justice. The principle of human dignity can reconstruct the way of understanding and application of fundamental rights in the brazilian legal system, fostering the achievement of justice because allows: the acceptance of direct and immediate application of fundamental rights; the recognition of social rights; the inadequacy of the concepts of "reservation as possible" in the brazilian constitutionalism, the acceptance of the idea of sealing the setback in the field of fundamental rights, and refusal to hypertrophy of the symbolic function of fundamental rights. Moreover, the respect for human dignity requires the recognition of a new legal process, as the instrument able to materialize the respect and protect the existence with dignity under the concrete conflicts of interest.


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