O cativeiro rural colonial : reconstituiÃÃo arqueolÃgica da senzala da fazenda de SÃo Bento de Jaguaribe â MunicÃpio de Abreu e Lima, Pernambuco




The objective of this work is the study of the hypothetical setoriation of the Senzala of the Bento Jaguaribeâs Farm, old property of the Monges Benedictines, that if developed in the remote area of the Sesmaria Jaguaribe, zonal today agricultural of the Abreu and Lima City, the coast north of the Pernambuco State. It is looked to verify if the investigated space presents homologies with the know constructive morfo-tipolÃgicos models of the buildings that functioned as lodging for the slaves during the Colonial Period. For in such a way, the documentation of used base encloses, parallel to the raised historiografics informations, the referring date to Historical Archaeology of the prioritizing, beyond the interdisciplinaridade, the approach in the Archaeology of the Architecture. The space was, then, appraised as one of the basic categories for the understanding of the social systems and the dynamic cultural complex that nvolved them. Thus, it resetting was projective here, treating constantly to the relation between current and possible one, and taking in account the continuity of the environment as a efeitos das subsequentes scientific comments, we evidence to be permissible the affirmation of that the remainders of the structures found superficial architectural in the small farm condizem with the units of the Senzalas/pavilion raised in the Devices and Farms of centuries XVIII and XIX, and that the agreement of the social fuction of the building as habitation for the captives, in determined time, can have been correct


arqueologia pernambuco â perÃodo colonial (sÃculo xvii ao xix) â sociedade escravista âespacialidade rural â fazenda colonial â senzala â arqueologia histÃrica pernambuco â colonial period (century xvii to the xix) â slave society â agricultural space â colonial farm â senzala â historical archaeology

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