O caminho para casa : o retorno do Dekasseguis




The migration towards Japan known as Dekassegui Movement constitutes a recent migration, having its peak at the beginning of the 1990 s and maintaining current1y a continuity. The dynarnics of the migratory flow gave impulse to the creation of the social networks interfering in the temporal nature of some immigrants. On the other hand, the migratory flow lived through important transformations in the labor market, such as the overtime and the wage reductions. While some Dekasseguis struggle to live and survive in Japan, there are some of these migrants retuming to Brazil, trying to reintegrate themselves into the Brazilian society in the social, economical and cultural dimensions. The retumed migrants from Maringá (Paraná State, Brazil) constitute the focus of this work. The sociodemographic characterization of this specific group allows us to observe the maintenance of family ties and its responsibilities in relation to the ones who stay in the country of destination during the migration movement. Besides the work contributes for the reflection on the retuming migration


trabalhadores estrangeiros demografia nipo-brasileiros - japão migração

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