O caldo na panela de pressão: um olhar etnográfico sobre o presídio para mulheres em Florianópolis




This research describes social practices in the Female Penitentiary in Florianópolis, SC. The penitentiary is one of the units of the penitentiary system in Santa Catarina being the single one for imprisonment of women in the State. The research aimed in identifying how the imprisoned women organize themselves, how they relate to each other and which collective actions are performed thereof. The number of imprisoned women involved in the research started off as 36 - all had undergone trial and had received imprisonment sentence (closed regimen). However, as the research developed, this number changed and reached about 100 women who passed by the penitentiary during the research period. It was acknowledged that, in Brazil, there is a crude attempt in showing issues related to the daily life in penitentiaries, especially in female penitentiaries. Three Brazilian writers are highlighted as innovative in this field: Julita Lemgruber (1983); Iara Ilgenfritz and Bárbara M. Soares (2002). A writer with prominence in a foreign country is Manuela Ivonne da Cunha (2002), on an ethnography performed in a female penitentiary in Lisbon (Portugal). Therefore, this research had to undergo several understandings to the point where we were able to identify, from ethnographic data, the relationship between prisoner/institution and prison/violence that - although having great relevance - do not duly represent the female penitentiary in Florianópolis as it is in real life: a place where they live, and thus a sociability place that in many instances overcome the coercive practices present, justified by society in general. It was identified that the penitentiary experience re-edits some practices already performed by these women, but it emphasizes some practices related to family ties, initiation rituals in penitentiary life as well as the establishment of trust amongst pairs. Basically, the study shows that flow of information, people, object and desires take place in order to decrease, or even erase, the borderline of inside and outside of prison, even if in some moments, this borderline is decisive in the fate of each of the women there.


antropologia prisões - florianópolis reformatórios para mulheres - florianópolis - aspectos sociais antropologia social

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