O brincar e a afetividade na prática pedagógica de professores de educação infantil




This study aims to examine the role of affection and play in the education of children of early childhood education, focusing on the character of the theoretical and practical training for teachers regarding the importance they attach to the relationship of play and affection with the object of knowledge. In this sense, the problem involves the study seeks to identify the contributions of the relationship of play and affection in the training of teachers in early childhood education as a fundamental aspect of education and facilitator of the child in school. Faced with this issue understand that the training of educators is the theoretical-practical articulation in the development of their pedagogical practice, because only then is the knowledge that produces results and explaining the reality. The theoretical framework that supports this research agenda is, especially in studies of Wallon, Vygotsky, since both, in general, seek to identify the presence of affection in the teacher-student and the influences of the teaching-learning process. The search is performed based on the design critical history of education, ie axiological of praxis. The methodology consisted of a qualitative research study together a bibliography on the subject, interviews with professionals in the field of Child Education and systematic observation of their classrooms. To analyze the empirical material, were constructed three categories of analysis: development of children, affection and the concept of play and the theory-practice. As final results point to the need to think about pedagogical work in Education from the Children s play and the emotional and reasoned manner, and articulate theory and practice, performing a work that surpasses every form of fragmentation or the mere transmission of information uncritical. Here is located the relevance of this study.


formação docente affectivity educacao playful teacher training afetividade brincar child education educação infantil

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