Nursing Attention to the Drug Addictâs Family: Group as a Care Strategy / AtenÃÃo de enfermagem ao familiar do dependente quÃmico: grupo como estratÃgia do cuidar




The family is an important partner in the drug addictâs treatment. By living directly with drug abuse by part of its members, however, the family also starts to face difficulties in dealing with this matter, which became a serious public health problem. Supposing that the family is an important element in the establishment of support to the addict and starting from the principle that the codependent behavior is present in the lives of the relatives, we denfend the thesis that family members of drug addicts need assistance, having the chance to benefit from a support group. One aims to analyze the group process as in instrument for Nursing Care to relatives of drug addicts through: groupâs characterization in socioeconomic and demographic terms; description of the process and the phases of the groupâs development and identification of the way codependence is expressed in groups of drug addictsâ relatives. Descriptive study with a qualitative approach, conducted with relatives of drug addicts attended by a Center Of Psicosocial Attention (CAPS-ad) in Fortaleza-CearÃ. Data produced through a semi structured interview and ten group sessions, using experience workshops. As theoretical-methodological support, one used the Nurse Group Process, developed by Loomis (1979). Participated in the research eleven families of drug addicts in treatment. In the results, one noticed it is a heterogeneous group concerning socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, as well as stories of life. The relatives of drug addicts may benefit from support groups as a care strategy; the theoretical principles described were feasible, contributing for the affection in the group and for the quality of the assistance in mental health; the method used was appropriate for the investigation, making possible the approximation of the reality experienced and the identification of forms of expression of codependence. The relatives presented a codependent behavior through suffering, emotional pain and physical and psychic disease, reflected in multiple responses, between them: fear, distrust, guilt, excess of care/control for others and lack of care for themselves and changes in lifestyle. One identified some feelings which came from this experience, among them: unfulfillment, unsureness, anguish, fear, depression, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness and feelings of loss and guilt. This study becomes relevant due to revealing the experience of the family member of drug addicts, because it strengthens this support net and because it approximates a theoretical and instrumental reference, and the group approach, necessary for the nurseâs practice.


cuidados de enfermagem ciÃncias da saÃde psicoses induzidas por substÃncias - enfermagem

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