New institutional arrangements and its relation with health promotion : the health community agents point of view / Novos arranjos institucionais e sua relação com a promoção da saude : a visão dos agentes comunitarios de saude




The Health Promotion has faced many difficulties in its implementation specially due to the predominance of the biomedical model in health actions that excludes the social determination of the health-illness process and ends up limitating the major objective of the primary care which is Prevention and Health Promotion. The Health Promotion in this project, that has as its main ideas the intersectoriality and the empowerment, it aims to improve the medical paradigm by incorporating other variables that influence the treatment of the illnesses and their Prevention as well as the search of health in its whole wide and complex net of determinants. With the objective of thinking about alternatives that Health Promotion actions might be put in practice with stronger forces, we have taken, in this project, institutional arrangements and management strategies as tools for clinic amplification; the creation of co-management spaces and the organization of the process of work. By that, we intended to evaluate if a bigger or smaller implementation of the management arrangements by the basic health units interferes, on the community health agents (CHA) point of view, on the implementation of the health promotion. It is defended that the possibility of a value a point of view exchange and the group construction of health actions among professionals of a health team propitiated by management arrangements, could interfere in the CHA discourse by creating different conditions of production of the discourse of these workers. So taking these professionals as an important actor in putting in practice actions of health promotion it was decided in this project to have their discourse, the result of focal groups and to analyse what was said using the technique of discourse analysis. Six basic health units in the south and southwest districts of Campinas were chosen as field for this project. As a result, it is noticed a bigger empowerment of the CHA when they use democratic management spaces in the unit, but it is not possible to assure that the institutional arrangements interfere in the construction of social nets. It is clear in this project, the difficult role that the CHA has to perform his work


agentes comunitarios de saude promoção da saude health promotion gestão em saude helath management health community agents

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