Percepção e atuação de agentes comunitários de saúde em relação à saúde bucal, Naviraí, MS / Perception and performance of the health community agents as for dental health, Naviraí, MS




The objective of this study was to describe the perception and the performance of the Health Community Agents (henceforth HCA) as for the Buccal Health in the city of Naviraí/MS. Inquiry of field by means of quantitative and qualitative approaches was used. The quantitative research with descriptive transversal study was performed. 51 HCA, who worked in the Family Health Strategy team in Naviraí/MS, participated in this research. The data was collected by means of a semi-structured questionnaire, which were statistically codified and analyzed based on absolute and relative numbers. The qualitative research was produced via interviews with two HCAs, chosen randomly among those who had the position for over 3 months. These couples were taken each for a Family Health Unity in Naviraí, totalizing 16 HCAparticipants. Thematic Content Analysis was the technique to be used for the interpretation and the discussion of the data. The observed profile of the HCAs that acted in Naviraí demonstrated that young women were the majority, young female adults between 18 and 29 years old, with complete secondary school education. As for perception, it can be stated that the great majority of the HCAs have profound knowledge and basic information related to Buccal Health. As for the performance of the HCAs, their activities deal with the orientation of the community. It is also important to highlight that the aspects as bounds created between the families and the Union, the communication between the team were cited as factors that promote an easier performance. However, the lack of educational material and the lack of continued education training on buccal health are factors that contribute to the difficulty the HCAs find when performing their job in Buccal Health.


programa saúde da família saúde da família ciencias da saude oral health family health saúde bucal family health program

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