Nervous system x others : diagnosis of university first-year students prior knowledge / Sistema nervoso X demais sistemas : diagnostico do conhecimento previo em alunos ingressantes no ensino superior




Knowledge in Neuroanatomy is crucial to understand others "neuro" subjects such as Physiology, Pathology, Surgery and Imaging for students in health sciences. However, teaching Neuroanatomy, is not an easy task and although students often find the brain to be a marvel of complexity they always have difficulty in learning and sometimes they even refuse to take classes that cover brain anatomy. In this study, we hypothesized that in Brazil, at the time students enroll to health sciences courses they may know less about Nervous System than others issues in Gross Anatomy. In this study, a 30 multiple-choice tests being 5 tests of each system in Gross Anatomy: Digestive, Respiratory, Circulatory, Urinary, Nervous and Genital based on the secondary schools programs was applied. Tests were extracted from a database representative freely available at a website and they were sequentially ordained as above quoted. Participants were 308 students of health sciences that enrolled for the first time in a human anatomy course in two public Brazilians Universities. Test was applied before the first lesson in Anatomy. Our results demonstrate that the percentage of correct answers in Nervous System was significantly lower than Digestory, Respiratory, Circulatory, Urinary, and Genital. These findings lead us to conclude that in fact students know less about Nervous system before starting Goss Anatomy courses.


estudantes universitarios - avaliação sistema nervoso nervous system anatomy teaching anatomia - estudo e ensino college students

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