Nem Teocracia - Nem exclusão: As intervenções da igreja católica no Brasil 1995-2005




This study inserts itself in the complex field of the discussions about the legitimacy of the public intervention from religious institutions, in the context of national States driven by the principle of the lay secularity. Specifically, it analyzes the public presence of the Catholic Church in discussion spaces on public politics or bills that have the sexuality for their theme. Starting from the affirmation that the legitimacy of the intervention of any institution in the public sphere, is bestowed by the respect to the constitutional principles, expressions of consensus of the society that establish minimum levels of agreements to guarantee the coexistence. In that sense, even in the case of a lay State, it is legitimate for the Catholic Church, as any other social institution, to participate in the public discussions, always and whenever it is guided by those same principles. To question that public performance of the Church was one of the main objectives of the present work. The empirical research had as focus on the public activity of the Catholic Church in Brazil. It was accomplished taking as reference the discussions around the implementation of public politics related to the problem of HIV/AIDS; discussions in the National Congress on the bill 1.151/95 on the civil partnership among persons of the same sex, and on the project of the bio safety bill (11.105/05) that foresaw the regulation and establishment of rules for the research around stem cells. The results of the research, in spite of allowing recognition of the complexity and the contradictions that go through and cross the catholic ecclesiastic activities in those specific cases, point that the position of the Church with regard to homosexuality, their opposition to the research on stem cells and reiterated condemnation of the use of preservatives, end up putting the Church in contradiction with certain social consensus that seem now to be already accepted by the Brazilian society


igreja católica homossexualidade state igreja catolica -- brasil células-tronco doencas sexualmente transmissiveis -- aspectos religiosos -- igreja catolica democracia celulas-tronco -- pesquisa -- aspectos morais e eticos homosexuality stem sells aids sindrome de imunodeficiencia adquirida -- aspectos religiosos -- igreja catolica ciencias humanas sexo -- aspectos religiosos -- igreja catolica democracy aids estado catholic church

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