Negros na Mata Atlântica, territórios quilombolas e a conservação da natureza / Black people in Mata Atlântica, territories quilombolas and nature conservation




The Mata Atlântica is one of the most important tropical forests in the world, rich in biodiversity and sociodiversity. Although it is also one of the most threaten, it has been ruined in the conquer and development process, today there is only 7,3% of their original area, distribute in some big areas and fragments along the Atlantic cost. During this process of Atlantic forest devastation, some native people, between them quilombolas, searched for forest frontiers and developed customs more integrate with natural systems and, they also established society segments difference culturally. This research looks for stand out the importance of these Atlantic forest remainders, and the process that had led to almost total destruction, and it also analyzes native people role, specifically the quilombola populations, in the conservations of these remainders, therefore it can verify that a important part of the forest big areas or the little fragments that still compose the Mata Atlântica are overlapped to black rural peoples territories of, quilombolas. The research verify that these overlap is not just a simple coincidence, but it is the result of an historical process that have marginalized black people and have done that many look for refuge in places away of incipient urban center or away from big monocultures with have replace native forest. And these populations are, generally speaking, accountable for the existence and survival of the remaining Mata Atlântica in the country. The research have been focus on tree communities in different littoral regions (Mandira in São Paulo, São Jorge in Espírito Santo and Povoação de São Lourenço in Pernambuco), and although the different ecological, historical and cultural contexts they have in common territorial conflicts, or in other terms, a struggle for continue or reconquer their Mata Atlântica areas, that allow us a diversify samples form atlantics landscapes and also conciliatory measures that permit the conciliation of native people permanence in their territories and nature conservation.


mata atlântica territories quilombolas mata atlântica preservação ambiental nature conservation quilombolas

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