Necessidades de adolescentes atendidos em Unidades Básicas de Saúde do Município de São José do Rio Preto e as suas demandas para o cuidado em saúde: encontros e desencontros / Adolescent needs in Primary Health Care Services in the city of São José do Rio Preto and their requirements concerning the care about health: agreements and disagreements




Adolescence is considered one of the periods of the human development, presenting specific characteristics from which health needs are derived. Theories about this life stage in several fields of knowledge such as Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Medicine, to name a few, contributed to the understanding of those needs. Faced with the amplitude and the complexity which, nowadays, adolescence consists of, this study made possible the proximity to some important aspects to the adolescent health. The organization of the health care services influenced both on the perception of the adolescent needs and on their treatment. The purpose of this study is to understand the health needs of adolescents treated in Primary Health Care Services as they were reported by adolescents, their families and professionals who treat them in the city of São José do Rio Preto. The nature of the methodology adopted was qualitative using the Focus Group technique. The instrument of the present study was a topic-guided questionnaire (talking about health, health needs, treatment received regarding those needs, easiness or difficulties in the treatment and expectations concerning it). It was held meetings with nine groups (three of each category adolescents, their families and professionals who treat them). The meetings were recorded, consisting of the empirical data analyzed after being transcribed, with topics being identified from them. It was intended to recognize the perception of the subjects of the study over health needs, expressed as requirements to health care services. It was meant as requirement the search for health care services. The perceptions of health and sickness taken in the narratives of the interviewed people raised issues about health situations and illness, although being predominant issues on health as promotion and prevention. It was identified similarities and differences among the narratives of adolescents, parents and professionals, taking into consideration psycho-emotional and cognitive elements of socialization, sickness or health care services used. The standard use of the services, and care and self-care pointed out easiness and difficulties found everyday in the health services, and the narratives with suggestions concerning primary attention to health raised the expectations of help to care of sickness, promotion and prevention. It was identified important aspects to the development of measures regarding the attention to the adolescent health in Primary Health Care Services, mainly in the region of São José do Rio Preto. For all the subjects in this study, those health needs or health problems, although similar to each other, and including the help expectations, are not considered part of the work process in the health services and these services are not considered part of the adolescent life. Taking care of the adolescent means much more than treating and healing, it is beyond the medical healing treatment. The present study reinforces the idea that adolescents should be considered subjects with needs and actual rights concerning the several aspects of socialization and mental health, sexuality, sickness situations and the use of the health services.


saúde do adolescente necessidades e demandas de serviços de saúde health services adolescent health serviços de saúde health assistance assistência à saúde health services needs and requirements

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