MVC-RA: multiple views on coordinates environments up to reality / MVC-RA: múltiplas visões coordenadas em ambientes de realidade aumentada




This work aims to apply the characteristics of an augmented reality environment such as easy and intuitive interaction and large visualization space to the implementation, interaction and visualization of multiple coordinated data views. Multiple data views provide the user a better data analysis on different aspects. The coordination among multiple views reduces the cognitive overload for the user. The augmented environment was based on ARToolKit. The interaction is based on a interface with markers. The adopted visualization technique was the 3D scatterplot together with a variety of filter and view configuration options. Finally, some preliminary usability essays for the developed prototype are presented.


virtual reality ciencia da computacao visualiza??o da informa? realidade virtual reality increased visualization of information realidade aumentada m?ltiplas vis?es coordenadas multiple visions coordinated

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