Motivos de escolha do curso de graduação : uma analise da produção cientifica nacional / Reason of choise of the graduation course : an analysis of the national scientific production




The research turned toward the understanding of reasons and factors that intervene with the choice of superior course of graduation, from a study of bibliographical nature of the national scientific production of 1990 the 2005. The objective was to the identification and analysis of the main reasons of choice of the graduation course gifts in the studies and its relation to the year of publication, area of the knowledge of the course and administrative nature of the institutions the one that the students are tied. 57 publications distributed between Master s dissertations, Doctoral thesis and articles of periodic had been analyzed. It was evidenced, in the described data set for the authors of the research, 80 terms of reasons of choice pointed by the searched students. From the extension and similitude of the terms, the grouping of seven categories was possible. Each one of these categories is directed for an attention nucleus, which are the reasons directed to the student, to the work market, to the other, to the profession, the familiar ones and the other people, the area of the knowledge and/or course and to the reasons come back toward the educational process. Amongst these categories of reasons of choice of the graduation course, it was observed that the category "reasons directed to the student" presented a superior percentage to excessively (82,4%). It was also verified that in the studied period it has a bigger incidence of the categories of reasons directed to the profession, the market of work and the family. The other categories, that involve the reasons directed to the other, course and to the educational process if had shown operating little in the decisions of course choice. In relation to the associations between choice reasons and the areas of the knowledge, it was proven that the results of the research involving students of the superior education of the areas of Medical Sciences and the Health, and Sciences Human beings had presented between itself bigger similarities of the one than to the data of the studies with pupils of average education. In the analysis of the choice reasons gifts between the students of public and private institutions it was verified that the reasons directed toward the student had had a bigger percentage in the public sector (69,2%), and in the private sector the reasons come back to the profession had reached greater have detached (78,5%). However, these data present differences when graduating students of average education consider themselves and. The almost permanent presence of on reasons to the student points to be strong present in the individuals the belief of that, when making its choices of course are, amongst other aspects, mainly, answering to its expectations and personal characteristics. It is suggested the accomplishment of a bigger number of studies with pupils of private institutions and magnifying of comparative research, which involves courses of different areas of the knowledge.


bibliographical research professional choice curso de graduação pesquisa bibliografica graduation course higher education escolha profissional ensino superior

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